
Java Literals

Literals are data used for representing fixed values.

Boolean Literals

In Java, boolean literals are used to initialise boolean data types. They can store two values: true and false.

boolean flag1 = false;
boolean flag2 = true;

Here, false and true are two boolean literals.

Integer Literals

An integer literal is a numeric value (associated with numbers) without any fractional or exponential part.

There are 4 types of integer literals in Java:

  1. binary (base 2)
  2. decimal (base 10)
  3. octal (base 8)
  4. hexadecimal (base 16)
// binary
int binaryNumber = 0b10010;
// octal 
int octalNumber = 027;
// decimal
int decNumber = 34;
// hexadecimal 
int hexNumber = 0x2F; // 0x represents hexadecimal
// binary
int binNumber = 0b10010; // 0b represents binary


Integer literals are used to initialize variables of integer types like byte, short, int, and long.

Floating-point Literals

A floating-point literal is a numeric literal that has either a fractional form or an exponential form.

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    double aDouble = 3.4;
    float aFloat = 3.4F;
    // 3.445*10^2
    double aDoubleScientific = 3.445e2;
    System.out.println(aDouble);  // prints 3.4
    System.out.println(aFloat);    // prints 3.4
    System.out.println(aDoubleScientific);   // prints 344.5


The floating-point literals are used to initialize float and double type variables.

Character Literals

Character literals are Unicode character enclosed inside single quotes.

char letter = 'a';

Here, a is the character literal.


We can also use Escaping Sequences as character literals. For example, \b (backspace), \t (tab), \n (new line), etc.

String literals

A string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed inside double-quotes.

String str1 = "Java Programming";
String str2 = "Ciao Mamma";

Here, Java Programming and Ciao Mamma are two string literals.