


Load instructions are a type of I-type (immediate) MIPS instructions, they are used to

lwLoad Word. Loads a 32-bit word from memory into a register.
lbLoad Byte. Loads a byte from memory into a register.
lbuLoad Byte Unsigned. Loads a byte from memory into a register without sign extension.
lhLoad Halfword. Loads a 16-bit halfword from memory into a register.
lhuLoad Halfword Unsigned. Loads a 16-bit halfword from memory into a register without sign extension.
luiLoad Upper Immediate. Loads a 16-bit immediate into the upper 16 bits of a register.
laLoad Address. Loads the address of a label into a register.
lwlLoad Word Left. Used for unaligned memory access.
lwrLoad Word Right. Used for unaligned memory access.


The li instruction stands for “load immediate”. It is used to load a constant value into a register. Like moveli is also a pseudo-instruction. The assembler translates it into a combination of lui (load upper immediate) and ori (or immediate) instructions if the constant is larger than 16 bits.


li $t, constant

Here, $t is the target register and constant is the constant value to be loaded into $t.

The li instruction performs the following steps:

  1. It takes the constant value.
  2. It stores the constant value into the target register $t.


li $t1, 10 
  • li $t1, 10 loads the constant value 10 into the register $t1


If the constant is larger than 16 bits, the li instruction is translated by the assembler into a combination of lui and ori instructions. For example, li $t1, 0x12345 would be translated into:

lui $t1, 0x1
ori $t1, $t1, 0x2345

This sequence first loads the upper 16 bits of the constant into $t1, and then ORs the lower 16 bits into $t1.


It stands for “load word”. It is used to load a 32-bit word from memory into a register. T


lw $t, offset($s)

Here, $t is the target register where the word will be loaded, offset is a 16-bit integer that represents the number of bytes away from the address contained in register $s where the word is located.

The lw command performs the following steps:

  1. It adds the offset to the contents of register $s to form the memory address.
  2. It fetches the word from the memory address.
  3. It stores the fetched word into register $t.


  numbers: .word 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
   lw $t1, numbers  # Load the first number (at offset 0)
   lw $t1, 0(numbers)  # Load the first number (at offset 0)
   lw $t2, 4(numbers)  # Load the second number (at offset 4)
  • lw $t1, number loads the value stored in the variable number in to the register $t1
  • lw $t2, $t4 loads the value stored in the register $t4 in to the register $t4


lw $t2, $t4 it’s not valid, infact in MIPS you can’t load a word form a register to a other register instead use move $t1, $t4 (MIPS Move Instruction)


The lh instruction stands for “load halfword”. It is used to load a 16-bit halfword from memory into a register. Unlike limove, and lalh is not a pseudo-instruction.


lh $t, offset($s)

Here, $t is the target register where the halfword will be loaded, offset is a 16-bit integer that represents the number of bytes away from the address contained in register $s where the halfword is located.

The lh instruction performs the following steps:

  1. It adds the offset to the contents of register $s to form the memory address.
  2. It fetches the halfword from the memory address.
  3. It sign-extends the fetched halfword to 32 bits and stores it into register $t.


   numbers: .half 12345
   lh $t1, 0(numbers)  # Load the first halfword (at offset 0)
   lh $t2, 2(numbers)  # Load the second halfword (at offset 2)
  • lh $t1, 0(numbers) loads the first halfword from numbers into the register $t1
  • lh $t2, 2(numbers) loads the second halfword from numbers into the register $t2


The lh instruction sign-extends the fetched halfword to 32 bits. This means that if the most significant bit of the halfword is 1 (indicating a negative number in two’s complement representation), the upper 16 bits of the register will be filled with 1’s. If the most significant bit of the halfword is 0, the upper 16 bits of the register will be filled with 0’s.


The lb instruction stands for “load byte”. It is used to load an 8-bit byte from memory into a register. Like lhlb is not a pseudo-instruction.


lb $t, offset($s)

Here, $t is the target register where the byte will be loaded, offset is a 16-bit integer that represents the number of bytes away from the address contained in register $s where the byte is located.

The lb instruction performs the following steps:

  1. It adds the offset to the contents of register $s to form the memory address.
  2. It fetches the byte from the memory address.
  3. It sign-extends the fetched byte to 32 bits and stores it into register $t.


   numbers: .byte 12345
   lb $t1, 0(numbers)  # Load the first byte (at offset 0)
   lb $t2, 1(numbers)  # Load the second byte (at offset 1)
  • lb $t1, 0(numbers) loads the first byte from numbers into the register $t1
  • lb $t2, 1(numbers) loads the second byte from numbers into the register $t2


The lb instruction sign-extends the fetched byte to 32 bits. This means that if the most significant bit of the byte is 1 (indicating a negative number in two’s complement representation), the upper 24 bits of the register will be filled with 1’s. If the most significant bit of the byte is 0, the upper 24 bits of the register will be filled with 0’s.


The la instruction stands for “load address”. It is used to load the address of a label into a register. Like li and movela is also a pseudo-instruction. The assembler translates it into a combination of lui (load upper immediate) and ori (or immediate) instructions.


la $t, label

Here, $t is the target register and label is the label whose address is to be loaded into $t.

The la instruction performs the following steps:

  1. It takes the address of the label.
  2. It stores the address into the target register $t.


   numbers: .word 12345
   la $t1, numbers
  • la $t1, numbers loads the address of the label numbers into the register $t1
  • For the sake of this example, let’s assume that the label numbers is located at memory address 0x10010000.
  • After the la instruction is executed, the register $t1 will contain the value 0x10010000, which is the address of the label numbers


The la instruction is translated by the assembler into a combination of lui and ori instructions. For example, la $t1, numbers would be translated into something like:

lui $t1, upper16(numbers)
ori $t1, $t1, lower16(numbers)

This sequence first loads the upper 16 bits of the address into $t1, and then ORs the lower 16 bits into $t1. The actual values for upper16(numbers) and lower16(numbers) depend on the address of the label numbers.


The lui instruction stands for “load upper immediate”. It is used to load a 16-bit constant into the upper 16 bits of a register, with the lower 16 bits being filled with zeros. Unlike limove, and lalui is not a pseudo-instruction.


lui $t, constant

Here, $t is the target register and constant is the 16-bit constant to be loaded into the upper 16 bits of $t.

The lui instruction performs the following steps:

  1. It takes the 16-bit constant.
  2. It shifts the constant left by 16 bits, filling the lower 16 bits with zeros.
  3. It stores the result into the target register $t.


   lui $t1, 0x1234  # Load the constant value 0x1234 into the upper 16 bits of $t1
  • lui $t1, 0x1234 loads the constant value 0x1234 into the upper 16 bits of the register $t1, resulting in 0x12340000 in $t1


The lui instruction is often used in combination with other instructions to form larger constants or addresses. For example, to load a 32-bit constant into a register, you could use lui to load the upper 16 bits and ori to load the lower 16 bits. Similarly, to load the address of a label into a register, you could use lui to load the upper 16 bits of the address and ori to load the lower 16 bits.

lwr and lwl

The lwr (load word right) and lwl (load word left) instructions are used to load a word from memory into a register in a byte-addressable machine. These instructions are used to handle word data that is not aligned on a word boundary.


lwr $t, offset($s)
lwl $t, offset($s)

Here, $t is the target register where the word will be loaded, offset is a 16-bit integer that represents the number of bytes away from the address contained in register $s where the word is located.

The lwr and lwl instructions perform the following steps:

  1. They add the offset to the contents of register $s to form the memory address.
  2. They fetch the bytes from the memory address.
  3. They merge the fetched bytes with the bytes already in register $t.

The difference between lwr and lwl is in the way they merge the fetched bytes with the bytes already in $t:

  • lwr merges the fetched bytes into the rightmost (least significant) bytes of $t.
  • lwl merges the fetched bytes into the leftmost (most significant) bytes of $t.


   numbers: .byte 1234
   lwl $t1, 0(numbers)  # Load the word starting at the first byte into the left of $t1
   lwr $t1, 3(numbers)  # Load the word ending at the fourth byte into the right of $t1
  • lwl $t1, 0(numbers) loads the word starting at the first byte of numbers into the left of the register $t1
  • lwr $t1, 3(numbers) loads the word ending at the fourth byte of numbers into the right of the register $t1


The lwr and lwl instructions are used to handle word data that is not aligned on a word boundary. They are often used in pairs to load a full word from an unaligned address. The lwl instruction loads the leftmost bytes of the word, and the lwr instruction loads the rightmost bytes of the word.

lbu and lhu

The lbu (load byte unsigned) and lhu (load halfword unsigned) instructions are used to load a byte or halfword from memory into a register, respectively. Unlike lb and lhlbu and lhu do not sign-extend the loaded value, they zero-extend it.


lbu $t, offset($s)
lhu $t, offset($s)

Here, $t is the target register where the byte or halfword will be loaded, offset is a 16-bit integer that represents the number of bytes away from the address contained in register $s where the byte or halfword is located.

The lbu and lhu instructions perform the following steps:

  1. They add the offset to the contents of register $s to form the memory address.
  2. They fetch the byte or halfword from the memory address.
  3. They zero-extend the fetched byte or halfword to 32 bits and store it into register $t.


   numbers: .byte 12345
   lbu $t1, 0(numbers)  # Load the first byte (at offset 0)
   lbu $t2, 1(numbers)  # Load the second byte (at offset 1)
  • lbu $t1, 0(numbers) loads the first byte from numbers into the register $t1
  • lbu $t2, 1(numbers) loads the second byte from numbers into the register $t2


The lbu and lhu instructions zero-extend the fetched byte or halfword to 32 bits. This means that the upper bits of the register will be filled with 0’s, regardless of the most significant bit of the byte or halfword.