The print()
function prints the specified message to the screen, or other standard output device.
The message can be a string, or any other object, the object will be converted into a string before written to the screen.
print(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=None, flush=False)
Brackets use: if you want to print a string directly from the print function you can open a string with:
- ” : doing so you can use ’ without closing the string
- ’ : doing so you can use ” without closing the string
print("I'm Matteo's computer")
print('The computer said: "I am the computer of Matteo"')
*args use: you can print all the element in a iterable object
L = ["Ciao", "Hello", "Hola"]
print(L) #Output: ["Ciao", "Hello", "Hola"]
print(*L) #Output: Ciao Hello Hola
#OSS: its the same thing of a for
# for e in L:
# print(e, end='') #Output: Ciao Hello Hola
All the different ways of printing a string
name = "Matteo"
age = 20
print(f" I'm {name} and i'm {age} years old")
print("I'm and i'm {} years old", name, age)
print("I'm " + str(name) + " and i'm " + str(age) + "years old")
print("I'm ", name, "and i'm", age, "years old")
f-strings allow you to easily incorporate Python expressions into strings using the syntax {expression}
Here are some examples of f-strings in Python:
name = "Mario"
age = 30
# incorporate variables into a string
print(f"My name is {name} and I'm {age} years old.")
# evaluate expressions within a string
print(f"{name.upper()} is shouting!")
# incorporate formatted values into a string
num = 42
print(f"The answer to everything is {num:03d}")
oss: Using f-strings let you print print data types different form a sting without converting them
print(f" I'm {name} and i'm {age} years old")
print("I'm " + str(name) + " and i'm " + str(age) + "years old")
Print parameters
The print function has some parameters that let you interact with the output of the function
End Parameters (optional)
The end parameter decide witch character goes at the end of the print
By default Python‘s print() function ends with a newline
print("Welcome to")
# Output: Welcome to
# Europe
But it can be changed with every string or Python Escaping Sequences
print("Welcome to", end=' ')
# Output: Welcome to Europe
Sep Parameters (optional)
The step parameter decide witch character separates 2 o more objects, by default its a space symbol (” ”)
a = 5
b = 5
print(a, b) #Output: 5 5
but it can be change with every string or Python Escaping Sequences
a = 5
b = 5
print(a, b, sep = "=") #Output: 5=5
File (optional)
In Python, you can print objects to the file by specifying the file parameter.
By default is set as sys.stdout
which prints objects on the screen
But it can be change with every file thats open in writing mode
sourceFile = open('python.txt', 'w')
print('1', file = sourceFile)
print('2', file = sourceFile)
print('3', file = sourceFile)
file content:
This program in particular tries to open python.txt, but if it doesn’t exist in the directory that you are working in it will be created
oss: every time you open the file in this way all the text inside the file will be cleared
Read Python Files to learn more
Flush parameter (optional)
- Boolean value, specifying if the output is flushed (True) or buffered (False).
- ByDefault is False|