
  1. Introduction
  2. Arithmetic operators and Python Numbers
  3. Arithmetic operators and Python Strings
  4. Arithmetic operators and Python Lists
  5. Arithmetic operators and Python Tuples
  6. Arithmetic operators and Python Dictionaries


+Additionx + y
-Subtractionx - y
*Multiplicationx * y
/Divisionx / y
%Modulusx % y
**Exponentiationx ** y
//Floor divisionx // y

scrivi precedenze operatori

Arithmetic operators and Python Numbers

a = 7
b = 2
# addition
print ('Sum: ', a + b)    # Output: 9
# subtraction
print ('Subtraction: ', a - b)     # Output: 5
# multiplication
print ('Multiplication: ', a * b)    # Output: 14
# division
print ('Division: ', a / b)    # Output: 3.5
# floor division
print ('Floor Division: ', a // b)    # Output: 3
# modulo
print ('Modulo: ', a % b)    # Output: 1
# a to the power b
print ('Power: ', a ** b)    # Output: 49

oss: when doing a operation between a integer ad a floating point the end result will be always a floating point

x = 2 + 1.00
print(x) #Output: 3.00000

Arithmetic operators and Python Strings

2 Strings:

a = "hello"
b = "word"
# addition
print ('Sum: ', a + b)    # Output: 9
# subtraction
print ('Subtraction: ', a - b)     # Output: ERROR
# multiplication
print ('Multiplication: ', a * b)    # Output: ERROR
# division
print ('Division: ', a / b)    # Output: ERROR
# floor division
print ('Floor Division: ', a // b)    # Output: ERROR
# modulo
print ('Modulo: ', a % b)    # Output: ERROR
# a to the power b
print ('Power: ', a ** b)    # Output: ERROR

Strings and a number:

a = "hello"
b = "2"
# addition
print ('Sum: ', a + b)    # Output: ERROR
# subtraction
print ('Subtraction: ', a - b)     # Output: ERROR
# multiplication
print ('Multiplication: ', a * b)    # Output: hellohello
# division
print ('Division: ', a / b)    # Output: ERROR
# floor division
print ('Floor Division: ', a // b)    # Output: ERROR
# modulo
print ('Modulo: ', a % b)    # Output: ERROR
# a to the power b
print ('Power: ', a ** b)    # Output: ERROR


  • A sting is an unmutable datatype, this means that can’t be modified
  • For this reason every time that we do a arithmetic operation on a string we are not modifying it but we are generating a new one

Arithmetic operators and Python Lists

Arithmetic operators and Python Tuples

Arithmetic operators and Python Dictionaries

Arithmetic operators and Python Sets