
This website is built using Quartz, a tool that transforms your Markdown notes into a static website. On this page, I’ve outlined every step I took to make the site look and behave as you see it.

Most of the setup follows the official Quartz documentation, but I’ve also done some modification mainly on the colors and page layouts. One thing I did differently was use Git Submodules to store my content. This means that my website’s content (my obsidian vault) is kept in a separate repository.


Clone Repository

git clone
cd quartz
npm i
npx quartz create

Add Git Submodule

Add Git Submodule as content:

  1. Go in Quartz directory
  2. Run:
git submodule add content/vault
git commit -m "Added a new submodule for obsidian notes"

How to update the content

Simple Method: In this method we have to manually update the submodule in the content directory:

  1. Go in Obsidian vault, commit and push all changers
  2. Go to Quartz directory
  3. Run: git submodule update --remote content/vault to update submodule in content directory
  4. Run npx quartz sync to push the changes

Advanced Method: In this method we use a workflow to automagicaly update the submodule each time the repo of the submodule is modified.

Add Index File

  1. Go in quartz/content/
  2. Write this: Quartz Index Example

Add deploy.yaml to deploy on Github

  1. Go in to quartz directory
  2. Create and write deploy.yaml in quartz/.github/workflows/deploy.yml: >shell >nvim quartz/.github/workflows/deploy.yml >
  3. Write this in the file: Quartz deploy.yaml

Edit Config File

  1. Go to quartz root directory
  2. Edit quartz.config.ts:
  • pageTitle: "Notes in Public",
  • analytics: null,
  • baseUrl: "",
  1. Edit colours: My Quartz Theme

Edit Layout

  1. Go to quartz root directory
  2. Edit quartz.config.ts
  3. Write this in the file: quartz layout config

Edit Page Width

  1. Go to quartz root directory
  2. Go to quartz/styles
  3. Edit variable.css, in particular set:
  • mobile: 900px
  • desktop: 1380px
  • sidePanelWidth: 300px;

Add Custom Icon and Banner

  1. Go to quartz root directory
  2. Go to quartz/static
  3. Substitute the icon.png image in the directory with this: icon.png
  4. Substitute the og-image.png image in the directory with this: og-image.png

Add custom CSS

I have made some modifications on how the Bold and italic text behave and made the images center align.

Click here to se what I have changed.

Add Icon Credits

  1. Go to quartz root directory
  2. Go to quartz/componets
  3. Edit footer.tsx like this: Quartz Footer Edit

Add icon to site Title

Here is how to make it.


  1. Go to quartz root directory
  2. Edit the like this: New Quartz README

Also: Also remove code of conduct and license files

Upload to GitHub

  1. Make a blank git repository (no readme, no license, no code of conduct)
  2. Then, run the following commands, replacing REMOTE-URL with the URL of your new repository.
# list all the repositories that are tracked
git remote -v
# if the origin doesn't match your own repository, set your repository as the origin
git remote set-url origin REMOTE-URL
# if you don't have upstream as a remote, add it so updates work
git remote add upstream
  1. run npx quartz sync --no-pull to upload to Github

Set Github Pages

  1. Go to GitHub
  2. Open the repository used to host Quartz
  3. Go to settings
  4. Go to Pages section
  5. Select git up actions in Source
  6. Set custom domain if you have one (see how here)
  7. Go to Environment section and delete all the environments